March Madness!
We just wrapped up the March 2015 Show. Tracy Becker led the topic: Be Inspired! Inspiration vs. Motivation and as usual we had laughs, powerful moments and a ..well..BLAST!
Go to the Talk Show to find out more and watch the episode:
Spoilers: Tracy Jo worked an all-nighter and is hilariously chill, Tracy Becker shines and throws new insight on how to be in total Inspiration Space as she works on the IM Institute and maintaining her status as one of the elite top-downloaded Guru's on the massive MindValley Omvana app with a new educational series in, Sue Busen dazzles just as her 5th book "Tap Into Balance" rolls out (You can buy your own copy on her website or Amazon or basically any retailer because she's a superstar. Yani Ransome is cooking up something awesome to be "delivered" in a little less than 9 months and announces it to cheers and joy. (Hint: Yani is having her 3rd baby! Ok that's not a hint, I just told you.) and Jennifer Gligoric is rockin' it at MOBE as their Div 1 Manager hiring top talent and helping to alleviate poverty through online business education all over the world.
Are you doing something that is Inspiring? Tell us - we LOVE and WANT to hear about your AMAZING news, we might even want to speak to you or have you on the show.
Want help to feel inspired? Tell us! That's what we are here for to help anyone who wants it to transform into their fullest, most amazing self.
Have a great March y'all and roll on Spring!! I think everyone is ready for that. :)